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What we do best:
giving children a family for life

At SOS Children, we believe all children
should belong to a family which is why we
look after children who have lost their
parents through war, famine, disease or

For more than fifty years, SOS Children has
developed an approach based on building a
community for children who have nobody to
turn to. Traditionally, we provide children
with a home, a family and a new mother in a
purpose-built local Village, where they can
stay until they are ready for independent life.
We currently run 473 of these unique SOS
Children’s Villages, and 342 Youth Homes,
caring directly for more than 70,000 children
in 123 countries worldwide.

SOS RomaniaThe charity began working in
Romania in 1990 when the
downfall of Ceaucescu
revealed to a horrified world
the existence of thousands
of handicapped and
orphaned children living in appalling
conditions. An agreement was signed
between SOS Children and the Romanian
government to build two SOS Children's
communities which both opened in 1993.

The twelve family houses are builtSOS Hungary  in natural
stone and wood in the local
style and are home to over
70 children. A youth house
was opened in 2001.
Cisnadie also has a nursery
for local children and the SOS

We will be popping in
to one of the centres
in Romania or
Hungary to see the
great work that they
are doing there.

We are really proud
to be able be
assocaited with
people who do so
much good in the

We know times are
hard but for some
people they are
even harder. Please give generously by
clicking on the link above.